I can’t stop thinking about the little things….
Must my dear husband ALWAYS leave his shoes directly in front of the door, so I never fail to trip on them?
Must he begin speaking the SECOND he wakes up…nevermind who else might still be sleeping?
Must he spill his breakfast on the kitchen counter every day, yet never notice it needs to be cleaned up?
Must his pet-peeve list be so very long? (I’m sure a drawer being cracked open isn’t really going to drive him crazy!)
Must he frequently forget to listen when I’m talking?
But today, as he walked out the door to his 4th month on a new job, I remembered all the ‘little things’ that made me fall in love with him.
He makes up songs. He is a great dancer and is still known to break out into the ‘running man’ or ‘roger rabbit’. He is not good at ‘fixing’ things around the house. He loves to play jokes on people (including me). You rarely see him without a smile. He is the hardest worker I know. He puts his family above everything else in his world (including himself). He still owns clothes from High School and thinks anything that says, “St. Louis Cardinals” is appropriate attire. He cooks a mean BBQ (but nothing else). He compliments my cooking. He makes me laugh (really hard) at least twice a day. He can’t resist either of the kids when they ask him to play. He (usually) cleans the kitchen after I cook dinner. He has put his own dreams on hold until he is certain he has secured a future that will allow our children to pursue any dream they wish. He loves his parents. He is loyal to his friends. He loves to spend ‘date time’ with me.
He is, by far, the greatest Daddy and Husband in the world.
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