Just when you think things are ‘hard’ in your world…and by ‘hard’ you’re thinking you are overwhelmed, you’re tired, the kids have been fighting, you have a headache, there is too much to do and not enough time, you’re feeling guilty about yelling at the kids, you’re frustrated with someone important in your life: your friends, your spouse, your parents, your children….you might be coming down with a cold, you forgot to pay a bill, you can’t get through your to-do list, your aches and pains are acting up….
Just when you’ve had it…..you get a full-blown-brick-wall-in-your-face reality check. An old friend sends an email…and a strong, upbeat one at that….to share some news: her 2 year old has Leukemia. He was diagnosed just more than a week ago. It started with bruises on his back and now ‘aggressive chemo’ is part of their world.
And suddenly, your ‘hard’ doesn’t even matter.
So, instead of complaining about, well….anything, I’m going to hug my kids and my husband, remind my friends I am grateful for them and say a lot of prayers for a sweet little boy and his family.
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