So, I am learning.
Each day is giving me a new opportunity for amazing life experiences. Today has been no exception. From the minute I woke up this morning until these last few moments I type, this crazy, small world story about our family picture ending up in another country has been *almost* the top of my mind.
*Almost* because nothing can ever truly edge my family out of their ‘first place’ slot. And today’s chaos certainly lobbied to be the winner.
But all I have to do it look around. My husband spent his entire day at my side – helping to navigate our way through the inquiries and requests.
And…..right now….
Snuggled together just to my left are the two small people who bring me the most joy and make my life an adventure. Delaney has her four year old arm tucked protectively around Coop because we are in a new and strange place.
We are in New York City to visit CBS’s The Early Show first thing in the morning.
I know this will all die down, and when it does, we will still be the same family we were 2 weeks ago: We will still play baseball in the house, read to the kids every day, laugh through bath time, enjoy Friday night Family dinner dates and sit together for bed time prayers.
We will still stick together. We will still be us.
I hope, if you see us – or if you have seen any of the media on this story – you can recognize that my family means the world to me.
They show me every day what it means to love, they remind me how good it feels to belly laugh and how grateful I am we wake up in the same home together every day.
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