My little brother always swore he would never get married. And by never, I mean in a pigs-flying-hell-freezing-over kind of way.
And yet….he met someone.
Her name is Emily. Like my brother, Emily is a chef in New York City. They get each other.
And I love that.
So….sweet little brother, as you say your vows today, know that I am thrilled for you. As you say your vows today – I will be heading up your very own cheering section! I am so proud of how you have grown, how intelligent you are and how hard you work. Emily is a lucky girl.
It is amazing when you find someone special. And though we don’t see each other often, I do love you. And so do Mom and Dad.
If I had a picture of Emily – I would post it, but that will have to wait until we get back!
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