Sometimes life is heavy. Like today.
Today, life is heavy.
Life has a way of washing your feet softly with a cool wave, only to rip the sand right out from underneath you, sending you flying back onto your tail – stinging from the sudden pain and the knowledge that your world is suddenly off balance and potentially dangerous. And with the next wave comes the sadness, followed by a whitecap of helplessness. Because, sometimes, that’s how life works.
And sometimes you believe that the ONLY thing that might put the world on the correct axis again is a little prayer. Or, truthfully, a lot of prayer. So you ask for a little help from your friends.
And within seconds? You amazing, wonderful, tremendous people….. you responded.
I sat in front of my computer and I cried. Because I’m grateful. And really, because I pray it helps…
Thank you, a million times over – to the people in the screenshots above and the dozens of others who aren’t up there….
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