You know when someone asks you the right question at the right time and it really gets you thinking? This just happened to me.
I was asked, ‘when life is crazy, what gives in your world?’
Your answer may very well be exactly the same as mine: ME. All things that have to do with me fall to the back of the line, the bottom of the priority list. Exercise, healthy eating, sleep, time with my friends, and any kind of relaxation. I’m constantly telling myself, ‘there just isn’t time’. I put my small people, my husband and my work first.
I’m not alone, I know that. So many women do this. We put meals on the table, we finish our work, we drive carpools and make sure the soccer uniforms are washed and permission slips are signed. And we skip our morning workouts, we eat on the run and we stay up too late. And forget the down time. Yet I know I need to make some adjustments.
I received a beautiful kick in that direction in the form of an invitation this past week. I was invited to MC and host the Butterfly Kiss Wine Coast to Coast Event at the Niehule Salon in Los Angeles. This event was one of three being held that night. The other two were in Chicago and New York City. The events were multi-purpose: to provide an extraordinary Ladies Night Out, to launch Butterfly Kiss Wines – the newest in the Diageo portfolio of wines and to shine a spotlight on the public non-profit Locks of Love.
The Butterfly Kiss Wines were created with women like you and me in mind. To encourage us to slow down, experience those small sips of joy and delight in the time we have relaxing with our girlfriends or relishing some time alone. It was such a treasure to introduce the wines and the winemaker – Jason Dodge, to watch women choosing their favorites… the Chardonnay, the Pinot Grigio, the PINK Pinot Grigio, or the Moscato, (mine is the traditional Pinot Grigio) and to see everyone relaxing as they indulged in Niehule’s Salon services – makeup, hairstyling and manicures. Micah did mine with a flourish (her only request – that SHE design her ‘own creation’ with my hair) – I loved everything about her.
The event ended with a beautiful talk by Locks of Love President, Madonna Coffman and Coast-to-Coast hair cutting and donation for her cause. As you may know, Locks of Love is a public non-profit that provides custom hair-pieces to children suffering from medical, long-term hair loss from any diagnosis. At all three events, women donated a minimum of 10 inches of their gorgeous hair to contribute to the cause. In Los Angeles, one of our donors was cutting her hair for the FOURTH time to donate. She estimates that it takes her about two years to grow it back out. It gave me chills to see her smile. Though the event was free, donations were taken at the door.
I’m delighted to say, in addition to the two women who donated their hair, just more than $200 was raised for Locks of Love. Wine, salon services, time with girlfriends AND donating to a good cause? I’d call that successful ‘me time’.
I was delighted to be working with Butterfly Kiss Wines and Diageo on this event, though, as always, all opinions and experiences are my own.
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