Dear Danielle~
Well, it is that time of year again. You skated right past New Year’s without even thinking about resolutions, but you know D-Day is just around the corner. You officially have less than 24 hours until YOU must address who you have become in the past year and who you would like to be in 2009., this is the letter I started to write myself in honor of my birthday. I have always chosen to do Resolutions on my birthday instead of on January 1. Too much pressure….I can’t get past the ‘get in shape’ and ‘eat right’ portion of the program. And I think birthdays are the perfect time to celebrate your own personal New Year.
So, I was all set to keep going with the letter: the good, the bad and the ugly of this past year and ready to set serious goals. Then I had a little epiphany. It came in the form of a wonderful friend (and wickedly talented photographer) named Gina. As I was chatting with her tonight, she mentioned a sermon she heard in church over New Year’s – the gist of it: Your past is just that: past. Forgive the wrongs of 2008, forget what didn’t go well and what you should have done. Start today. Look forward. Plan for your future. Set goals.
Do you love it?
So……Allow me to start over:
Dear Danielle,
You were a wonderful Mommy this year. You loved, you hugged, you laughed, you played, you taught and celebrated and experienced joy. Let any Mommy-guilt go. You may not be a perfect wife, but damn you try…and Jeff does know you love him. (He even knows you are his biggest fan)
You even get props for loving your friends and family. As for all the other stuff you may have done or not done (you know the stuff you wish you could have improved?) Fugghetaboutit. It is now officially history. And, overall, there really isn’t anything you would have changed, now is there?
All of the people you want in your life are here for you.
So, moving forward….here is my advice: be more proactive. You have ideas and dreams, goals and wishes. Pursue them. Organize all of your thoughts, write them down, choose the path you want and get walkin’. There is absolutely nothing standing in your way, except, well, you.
Take care of yourself. You know you want to. Be as healthy as you can. I know you want to FEEL and look your best, right? BE the example for Delaney and Cooper. Get on it. (That means put the bag of chocolate covered pretzels down and
Most of all continue to focus on being grateful. There are so many wonderful people in your life. You are blessed with a fantastic husband, healthy, sassy, crazy children, amazing friends and you have managed to rid your life of unnecessary negativity. You do work you enjoy and have many things to look forward to.
See the positive. Live the present. Prepare for the future. Enjoy the Extraordinary. Today.
Love, Me
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