Edited – June 3, 2019 –
Gift giving is my love language. I like to surprise the people I love. I work hard to find something meaningful….something that clearly says, “I see you! I get you!”. I want the people in my world to know I’m thinking about them.
And that includes you, dear friends.
I’m thinking we could use a little extra love, goodness and joy in the world, right?
So…..drumroll….we are doing a little giveaway here….but there is a catch. I want to surprise someone YOU love, someone YOU think needs a little extra joy.
I happen to think there is as much joy in the giving as there is in the getting.
So, here’s how it will work: the Giving Giveaway is NOT about getting or winning. It is ALL about giving, about spreading joy and putting a smile on someone’s face. In your comments below, tell me who YOU would love to be the one who receives this doll from YOU. Tell us a story, share your love.
American Girl Giving Giveaway:
An American Girl Doll of your choice – $115 value.
If you win, you will choose one of the dolls (up to $115), provide us with an address and we will ship your surprise with a note from you. Love Luciana? Or Gabriela? Or Willa? Or ?
You give, you choose.
What do you think? Share your story, spread some love.
American Doll Giveaway Rules:
This giveaway is for people who want to surprise someone they know.
Comment below, sharing WHO you would surprise and why.
Giveaway begins today, May 22, 2019 and ends on Sunday, June 2nd (my small dude’s birthday) 2019 at 11:59pm. One (1) Winner will be chosen. Winner will have 48 hours to reply and provide a mailing address.
Disclosure: This giveaway (and subsequent Giving Giveaways) are not sponsored. They are the sole planning and responsibility of PrettyExtraordinary.com
I would love to surprise my beautiful Granddaughter. She is a special young lady.
I’d love to surprise my grand (great?) niece Violet with an American Girl doll! She’s 2 1/2, so JUST getting in to dolls, but I would love to give her a doll she can play with for many years to come, she can learn through, and she can even look up to! Since the arrival of her little brother Levi about six months ago, she’s had a tough time adjusting. First of all, everything she had now has to be shared, from clothes, to toys, to Mommy’s lap, and Daddy’s attention. That’s an adjustment for anyone! In addition, her little brother was born with a cleft palate and cleft lip, and while he’s getting everything he needs in terms of surgery, and medical care, and help feeding, and he’s going to grow up just fine, he’s definitely been the focus of the attention in their household. Her parents have tried hard to schedule “dates” for Violet with one or both of them, but those don’t always happen…we all know how predictable 6month-olds can be! Her parents are young and they’re a single income household in Southern California, plus spending a lot to get to and from Levi’s appointments in Downtown LA…so you can imagine money is tight for them. I’d LOVE to surprise my little Miss Violet with a doll that’s all her own, that’s special to her and for her.
I would surprise my daughter Kate. She’s had a really rough year playing second fiddle to all of Chase’s medical needs but she never complains and is always looking out for him. She works so hard at school and not only makes sure her grades are awesome but she also helps her classmates every chance she gets.
I would love for my daughter, Penny, to surprise my niece, Harlow, for her birthday. They live about 350 miles apart and don’t get to spend that much time together. But when they do they are BFF. And we just found out Harlow is OBSESSED with American Girl Dolls.
I’d surprise a little girl at the children’s hospital. No one in particular who we even know. I would just take the doll with me to the cafeteria or hallway and give her away.
My sister has twin 1.5 year olds. She has a son and a daughter and they are the sweetest little folders around. My daughter, who is 6, has a Bitty Baby American Girl doll and when Delia, my niece who is named after our Grandmother, comes over she LOVES Bitty Baby! She rocks it, kisses it, hugs it, and carries it around. She is so sweet to the baby doll, it would be fun to surprise her with her own doll. ❤
I would surprise my 7 year old son Joey.
He loves dolls and stuffed things but he’s never had a doll who is a boy (I am pretty sure AG has some boy dolls!)
Lately he’s been exploding as a new reader and venturing into chapter books. I’ll often see him staying up late in his bed to read just one more chapter, with his sister’s AG doll snuggled by his side so she can hear the story too.
I’m doing everything possible to encourage and celebrate his reading, especially since he had a slower start with reading. He’s enjoying it SO much now, and an American girl (boy) doll of his own would be so fun for him to enrich that experience even more.
I nominate Beth B’s little girl Faith. Faith is a grade behind my son but part of our towns Special Education program. Anytime I see her she always had a smile on her face. Even if she just had a seizure or 7 in a day, she still has more joy and positivity than any kid I’ve seen.
She works hard and doesn’t just say “I can’t “. I don’t think she even knows those words.
I would surprise my granddaughter AND daughter. My Daughter Rebekah grew up with her 2 sisters playing with some of the original American Girl dolls. After they grew up they were stored away in our attic. A little over a year ago I sent Rebekah’s original American Girl doll, Felicity, to her daughter, and my granddaughter, Vivian. Thus the next generation has continued the wonderful story of learning and growing with the American Dolls.
Rebekah even brought Vivian to Williamsburg, VA to see where the fictional Felicity lived as she grew up. Rebekah said the trip was for Vivian but I know it was actually something Rebekah had been wanting to see her entire life because of her love of Felicity and her stories.
I would love to surprise them both with a brand new American Girl adventure!
My Azzie has always wanted an American Girl Doll but has had to settle for lesser dolls. I sure would love to surprise her with a real doll!
My daughter Nina is turning 10 in August. She has wanted the American Girl doll Maryellen Larkin for a few years, but it’s been out of our budget. Nina is everything we could ever ask for in a daughter. She’s helpful, considerate, and super concerned about everyone. In the past 6 months I’ve been ill and she has helped me enormously. She prays for me and helps me stay upbeat even when I’m having a hard day. She deserves a special surprise for being such a wonderful helper and raising my spirits.
Thank you so much for this opportunity. May God bless your family for such a thoughtful and kind giveaway.
I would love to surprise my Greatniece who just turned 3 and became a big sister two months ago. She’s had a lot of adjusting to do but is doing a great job sharing mommy and daddy with the new baby.
I would love to surprise my 6 year old daughter with one. I had an AG doll when I was a child and can remember how much fun I had playing with her and dressing her up. My daughter has been begging me for an American Girl Doll for two years and would be thrilled to have her own. Thanks for the chance!
I forgot to include that my daughter’s name is Brynn.
And Happy Birthday to your son! Hope he has a great day filled with lots of cake 🙂
I would surprise my daughter! She turns 4 soon, and she would love to have her very own American Girl Doll!
It would be really fun to surprise my niece!
It would be great to win,this my mom really likes the wellie wisher dolls.
My granddaughter would be so excited if I won this!
My best friend just a couple states away and is having a very hard. I would love to give a american girl doll.
I would absolutely love to be able to give one of these beautiful dolls to my Great Niece Khloe! We have a very special relationship, she is going to go into the 2nd grade in September & is the most loving & giving child I know, even when other kids mistreat her, she always forgives and doesn’t hold grudges. I love this child so much it is really hard to express what a great kid she is. Thank you!
I would love to surprise my 7 year old daughter Tatum. She shares her time between myself and her daddy and it’s been a little bit of a struggle this year for her. She had a tough year in school and some bullies as well. She’s so sweet and has such a tender heart. I’d love to surprise her with an American Girl doll and give her a nice smile and help show her that her hard work and positive attitude will get her to great places!
Thank you for the chance!
I would love to give this to my daughter Katelyn, so she can give it to her beautiful little girl. Katelyn is an absolutely wonderful mom and daughter. She works so hard. I was never able to afford a doll like this when she was little, would just love for her and my grandbaby to have one to love and play with.
I would share with my niece/Godchild. She is the only girl in the family/friends. She always asks for just girl time!
I Would Love To Win This For My Granddaughter She Really Wants One I Would Love To Put A Smile On Her Face
I would love to surprise my daughter with an American Girl doll. She loves dolls and looks through the American girl doll magazine every time one comes in the mail. She circle just about everything in there that she wants. I would love to take her to the American girl doll store in Chicago. Thank you so much for the chance!
I have a new Great Grand baby on the way. I would love to give her this to remember me by. I am sure she would love it always.
I would love to surprise my Jr. Bridesmaid and niece with her very own American Girl Doll. She has always wanted one and she is the All American Girl herself. She is very humble, joyful, loves sports but also loves to dance. She is american girl herself.
Would love to surprise my roommates daughter with Doll.
I would love to surprise my friend Brittany and send it to her for her little girl.
My beautiful and imaginative grand daughter is soon to be 7 years old. She would love for this special doll to be a surprise for her birthday. She makes a production with all dolls and can always use another friend to add to the cast. Thank You for this great opportunity and making all girls so happy and very special.
I would like to suprise my niece with a new doll. Her playroom was in my sisters basement and it flooded ruining all her toys so I would love to start her off with a new American Girl Doll 🙂
I would surprise my granddaughter…3yr old who loves to hold her baby!
I’d give it to my daughter. She’s love this.
My granddaughters because they l9ve American girl.
I would love to surprise my daughter with the new Blaire doll. Since my daughter has food allergies, she could really relate to Blaire’s story. It is a more inclusive story than our experiences in real life. And her dream is to live on a farm with all the animals! Her birthday is also June 2!
I would give my daughter Willa because she reminds me of my daughter. Winning this would be amazing, My recent is going up in July $150, I took pay cut $55 to my income in April and my ex can’t be bothered to pay his meager $50 a month. This is the same kind jerk who’s girlfriend tried to raise 1000 from my daughter hospital seizure from December 16 to 23rd so I am not even remotely surprises but winning this would give me something to put away and guarantee me one gift to under the Christmas. I don’t know how I am going wing ever back to school the way things are going. If I win this I feel like I can breathe a little.
I would give one to my daughter she has Felicity that her grandma got her years ago but has been asking me a 2nd one for years.
I wanna win for my daughter she is 6 and loves dolls .we got her a my life doll for Christmas which she thinks is an American Girl doll.we are originally from Minnesota which has MOA with a huge American Girl doll store ,she wanted every thing .We are not financially able to get her a doll.
I would give it to my daughter. She just finished 4th grade and is having a very hard time she loved elementary school and is scared of middle school. She doesn’t own an American girl doll just the my life brand from Walmart and she treasures it I know she would absolutely love one of these dolls.
I would love to suprise my ten year old granddaughter Ariel. She is the second of four girls and has had to share everything with the other girls. She never complains and loves her sisters so much. She has seen the American Girl mail out and would look through the magazine so much it would be tatered. She never would ask for one because of the price. I would love to be able to gift her one of her favorite dolls. She loves red headed dolls because she and her daddy have red hair. She has a smile on her face through good times and bad and will try to cheer you up. I was so proud of her a few weeks before school was out because she took up for a young girl that was being bullied, after getting the kids to leave the girl alone she explained to her to just ignore them and things will be better and she would be her friend. The reason this made me so proud is my granddaughter is the one usually getting bullied. She didn’t want anybody to take care of the ones bullying her, she said she just let’s it “run off her back”. The school pays attention to try to stop it. I think she is one amazing kid and would love to be able to gift her an American Doll. Thank you
Hello, and thank you for the opportunity!
I would love to gift this gorgeous American Girl Doll to my daughter, Jazmyne, who will be turning 8 this summer. She has had a really rough go this year with a hospitalization due to her chronic asthma/a punctured lung. As hard as it has been for her to keep up with schoolwork through it all, she was able to complete the school year with honors! I think she would enjoy a nice surprise like this as a small token of my admiration for her strength, grace, and determination. I call her my Warrior because that is just what she has been! She is one tough cookie!!
Thanks again for the chance!
Cristina K.
I would love to give this to my 2 and a half year old daughter but I just recently lost my job and it’s hard for me to get her things like this
I would love to gift this to my niece. Her parents aren’t together anymore, and that has been a new challenge. On top of that, she saw her dog get hit by a car. That was really sad. She’s coping pretty well with these struggles. She is doing great in school, and deserves something special this summer. If love to give my special little buddy, a new friend to play with. Thank you!
My little girl Amy grace would so love the Blaire doll. I could only imagine her excitement of such a treasured doll. Her favorite movie that she Must watch before bed each night, still on vhs, is ‘Samantha, An American Girl Holiday”. And My little girl has been such a blessing helping with her big brother as he was diagnosed with Juvenile diabetes, and I sometimes I think she feels left out of all of the attention her brother gets. And she has helped me through some very difficult times with my health, and her grammas dementia, and through it all she is full of constant smiles and hugs, and offers to help. I wish I could make her feel so very special with such a surprise as this. Thank you for the opportunity.💖
I would love to give my daughter an American girl doll. I remember being young and begging my mom for one. She and my grandmother worked so hard to save up the money. That doll was my best friend, I would love to give my daughter one so she can make the same memories.
I would surprise my friend’s 6 year old daughter Xali for her 7th birthday on July 2. She would love an American Girl doll! She is a special blessing & so sweet.
Thanks so much.
I would surprise my daughters with one. Especially my three year old because she is over the moon about playing with dolls right now. And I have to admit, I’ve always wanted one since I was a little girl so MAYBE, she will share with me. 🙂
Love to surprise my granddaughter to be when my daughter marries her dad!
I would love to surprise my young grand daughter. Her sister has two but she only has one….she deserves a 2nd one.
I would love too surprise my daughter
I would love to surprise my granddaughter Hailey with a doll. She was just diagnosed with Celiac disease and it has been so difficult for her but she is always smiling.
I would surprise my friends daughter , she’s turning 8 on June 7, and she’s just a amazing little girl and beyond appreciative of anything she’s given and I know she’d love a American girl doll
Willa. Id give her to my grand daughter.
I would love to surprise my godchild Kylie. Kylie is 3 years old and is so in love with American Doll. I signed up for the catalog so she is able to look though it and show me everything she loves. It goes on for hours 🙂 Thank you for this opportunity!!!
I would gift this doll to my daughter. I always wanted an American girl doll when I was a child but, my mother would not buy me one because she felt it was too expensive. She felt that the price was to much just for a doll. I would love to give my child the gift I never had.
My Daughter is going to have another baby soon and I’m really making an afford to show and tell my first granddaughter that she will always be loved and wanted. I know things don’t replace those actions but they don’t hurt either 😊
Thank you so much!
Hi, I would give it to little warrior princess Addi, a 3 yr old who’s been fighting cancer since August, 2018.
Don’t know if I would call this good timing, oh I don’t know. Gift to my granddaughter. She was with us yesterday, happy go lucky as usual. Today at home, she woke with a 103 fever, throwing up. We went down to help with other children. She looked half her usual size. Mom took her to ER. She had xrays, ultrsounds, catherized, blood work. Nothing till her White count came back 39,000. (Normal 5K to 10K). Sent her to CHOP (Children Hospital in city). Poor kid has been poked, prodded and they can’t figure out yet why so sick. How nice to have Willie to hug while she is going thru all this
I would give to my step daughter she’s 8. She has gotten a hand me down doll from my daughter but would love to be able to give her a new one.
I would love to give this doll to my daughter ❤️ She’s 5 years old
And loves playing with dolls. She calls it her America doll lol she would love this surprise!
I would love to give this to my granddaughter and hope to instill the love of history through this gift. She’s a very special addition to our family and we are so blessed for her. She’s at an age to read well and enjoy the doll as well with the stories that come with her.
I would give the doll (Camille) to my grand daughter. To me she is most sweetest kindest and smartest pretty little five year anyone would ever meet. I know I am biased. I will always believe her. To me all I see is love when I look at her.
I would love to surprise my daughter 9 year old, Macy, with an American Girl Doll. She has worked really hard this year in her new school and made great progress. She has been talking so much about having an American Girl Doll and how much fun she could have. Thanks for the chance!
I’d surprise my oldest. Shes 9 and the most amazing human you’ll ever meet. I’m struggling with MS and shes always there to help me with anything. She’s excelled in every aspect of life this year and she deserves this and more <3
I would love to give one to my niece Kat. She is in the 2nd grade and have two younger brothers. They are going through a very tough time as there mom and dad are getting a divorce. They are with dad because mom don’t want them she rather have her drugs and parties , etc. I think getting one of your dolls would make her feel special again.
I would surprise my niece, I think she would love an AG doll.
I would love to give an American Girl doll to my daughter. She is turning 6 in July. I would love for her to have a doll before we make a trip to San Antonio, so she can go to the AG store, and have a tea party with her doll. She really surprised me this year. She went to Kindergarten a little early, and ended up getting straight E’s (or A’s) for the year,and worked really hard for that grade.
It would be an honor to surprise my daughter leigha. She said s smart and giving little girl. She is always wanting the help others. Thank s would make her a very happy little girl.
I would give the doll (Camille) to my grand daughter. To me she is most sweetest kindest and smartest pretty little five year anyone would ever meet. I know I am biased. I will always believe in her. To me all I see is love when I look at her.
If i won i would definitely give the america American girl doll to my amazing strong intelligent beautiful caring 8yr daughter she hasnt had the easiest life but she hasnt let that stop her from being a all a student a great big sister and my first true love
I would love to surprise my daughter with an American Girl doll! She would love it so much <3
I am 69, disabled, and a first time grandma. I want to give her her 1st doll and I can’t think of any better than an American Girl doll.
I wiuld most definitely suprise my 3 year old daughter with one of these dolls. Everytime we are in Walmart thats the isle she goes straight to! We cant afford one at the moment so we have yet to get her one
I would surprise my granddaughter, she would love to have an American Doll, she sits endlessly playing with her dolls, doing their hair, and having modeling shows.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Awesome giveaway!
I would love to give my great neice an American doll. She is 3 years old. She would love one. Thanks for the chance.
I would surprise my oldest daughter Angel with a doll. She loves dolls and is such a girly girl. She also helps me with her other brothers and sisters, she likes to do the dishes, lol she will get a stool to step on so she can reach the sink. I have 7 kids, 3 girls and 4 boys. I cant afford to buy her such a beautiful doll, but she deserves it. I’m very thankful for my daughter, if I could surprise her with one, to show her how much I appreciate her help and love her , it would be awesome.
My great niece turns 3 tomorrow. I would love to surprise her with a doll like this. Emily is as beautiful as your dolls and has a beautiful heart. She is the most loving child and always happy.
My pride and joy is my 4 year old granddaughter Abby, who I only see possibly twice a year, but talk with on the phone at least once a week. I love hearing her voice and love the big words she has been taught by my daughter. Always makes my heart melt to hear her say “I love you grannie.” I know she would enjoy a new doll as she is finally getting into dolls that aren’t babies. Thank you for this opportunity!
I would surprise my Oldest daughter. because our relationship is a lil rocky.. & her father keeps her from me. we are starting the court process. shes confused. & all small gestures help to show her the way.
My daughter Natalie. Blaire is the first American Girl we have ever really become attached to. She has so much in common with me that we have grown very fond of her.
I would surprise our darling grandaughter, Jacqueline!!! Jacqueline is such an amazing little girl…she helps her Mommy and takes such care with all her toys. Her Daddy will be deployed in July and one of these lovely dolls will help her through that hard time.
At 7 years old, Kallee Jo doesn’t have an American Girl Doll and she should because they are the best dolls.
I would love to surprise my daughter, she is in love with dolls and totes her dolls everywhere. She has worked so incredibly hard this passed school year to improve on her speech and over all skills and I would love to reward her for all her hard work.
I’d surprise my 5 year old niece. She loves dolls and she’s my love. What more reason do I need than that?
I would love to surprise my daughter the way my great grandma would do for me when i was younger. I use to receive my older cousins American Girl doll magazines and would go through every page telling my grandma everything that i thought was so cool. I think going through the new magazines each month with my grandma was the greatest. Finally one weekend I went over my grandma had the best surprise for me, there was Samantha waiting for me. She used what little money she had extra for me to have that doll.
I would surprise my daughter with the Willa doll because her name is Willa and she loves playing with dolls.
I would surprise my youngest daughter Chloe with the opportunity to have her own doll or choose to gift it to someone else that she feels could use a surprise to boost their day.
I would definitely surprise my granddaughter, Paisley. She would just love to have a big girl doll. She has such a great imagination and would love to have one to play with. Thank you for the opportunity.
My granddaughter, Audrey is turning seven in late June. I want to surprise her with either Willa or Blaire. She is such a joy to spend time with for she’s spunky, funny, and intelligent. Last December she became a big sister to another brother. It’s fun watching her “mother” him. Audrey deserves a great birthday present for being a big help to her Mom taking care of the baby.
I would love to surprise my daughter Alaska. She has always wanted an American Girl doll, but due to being a single mother with three kids that I alone support can not afford to buy her one. Our family has been threw so much for the past couple of years, and recently her big sister being in the hospital has hit us all hard but she is always a ray of sunshine. She helps tidy up around the house without being asked. She does excellent in school, and is always polite and caring towards the other kids in her school. She helps with her younger brother. Most of all on the days that I’m emotionally overwhelmed she always gives me extra hugs and it always help me feel better. She is one of the most loving and caring kids ever. This would be an amazing surprise for her for all the things she does to help out at home. I know that this would put the biggest smile on her face forever. Thank you so much for doing this contest!
I would love to win this for my niece.she has been through alot and loves american girl dolls. To see a smile on her face is worth millions of dollars to me! My niece is my world and i will do anything to put a smile on her face after all she is going through with her home life.
I would surprise my new foster sister. She’s an autistic 4 year old who is full of smiles. She doesn’t really talk but she sings a lot and I think she would love it.
My daughter loves dolls but an American Girl doll would be sure to go everywhere with her.
I would love to suprise my 4 year old daughter Emery with one of these beautiful dolls, my daughter is very special little girl!
My mother has dementia but she is obsessed with baby dolls. She takes care of dolls as of yet are real babies. They help to calm her down when she’s having a particularly bad day. I would give the doll to her for her to take care of.
I would surprise my daughter Cara. She has made me one proud momma this school year with A/B honor roll and just being a good roll model for her 4 siblings. She deserves something as wonderful as an American girl doll but taking care of 5 kids on one income doesn’t allow such expenses.
I would Love to be able to gift my youngest granddaughter with a Blaire doll. She just turned 1 and has already endured 2 surgeries in her young life. She loves baby dolls!
I would give it to my granddaughter, that, for various reasons haven’t been able to see for 6 years. Her birthday is June 7th, she will be 10. How wonderful it would be.
I would surprise my niece who is turning 2 and LOVES dolls. She carries her babies all over with her. I would love to surprise her and my sister (her mom) with an American girl doll! thank you for this chance.
I would love to give it to my baby girl
I would surprise my 7 year old daughter. Her birthday was just in April and that was all she wanted. I couldn’t afford one on my own. My daughter would totally flip over having one. They have an American girl club she’s been wanting to join. It would bring such joy to my daughter. Thanks for the opportunity.
I would like to give to my granddaughter, Carsyn, who turns 5 on the 24th of June. A very special little girl who stole my heart.
I would surprise my 5 year old “bonus” son! He has a tender heart and I believe in raising boys to have a sensitive side. I want to keep him the way he is and see him flourish in to a tender and caring young man!
I would surprise my niece with this doll. She would absolutely love this! She doesn’t have one yet but has wanted one.
I would like to surprise my daughter, Serenity. This has been a tough year for her and she really deserves alot. This doll would be amazing.
I would surprise my 7 year old granddaughter with these amazing dolls..she is always mothering her stuffed animals and little brother…her cousin has these dolls and that’s all she talks about..she would be jumping for joy if she got 1….
I would give her to my doll, so she would have a friend.
I would give one to my granddaughter and the other to her friend that lives next door to me– they would be so thrilled to get these
My daughter is 14 but has disability and in mindset she’s about 7 she still plays I have a 20 year old son and I took custody of my neace two children so they wouldn’t be placed in foster homes a little girl age 9 she was 2 when she was placed with me and a little boy age 6 he was 6 days old when he was placed with me I work I make$8.75 hr 40 hrs a week I don’t get enough to buy special doll’s or special toys I hope one of them can win they would be so happy .thank you for allowing us to participate in this exciting giveaway.
I would love to surprise my little foster sister, Julie, with an American doll. Julie lived with our family for about 2 years and our family still absolutely adores her. She is now happily reunited with her mother, but we visit her every couple of months and occassionally surprise her with gifts, toys, and lots of hugs. She’s an exceptionally bright and talented little girl for her age, and I just know that she will adore the doll. In fact, her birthday is coming up in July so it would be perfect timing! 🙂
I would love to surprise my grand daughter Serenity. She has been in our household for 5 years now. My husband ( her grampy ) just passed from a 4 year long battle with cancer. He was her only father figure. I have her in hospice counseling which seems to be helping some, but would love to see her smile by receiving something beautiful 😍. Thank you for the opportunity
Thank you for this oppertunity for a chance to win.
i have a beautiful little niece in florida and she was born Oct.2018and i would love to send her one of these beautiful dolls.
And yes i agree its much better to give then receave.
Thank you,
Tammy, “From Southern Iowa”
I would love to win for my daughter! Her birthday is coming up soon, so this would be an amazing gift to put back for her. She has always wanted one. Thanks for the chance!
I wanted to add a little story that happened. We were at the doctors office one day, and a little girl had accidentally left her American Girl doll behind. My daughter and I waited for that little girl, and her mother to come back out and we gave it to them. The mother was so happy and so grateful that we were honest. After they left. My daughter said, “Mommy that was only the right thing to do, even though I really, really loved her!” I said, “Yes baby it was!” What a heartbroken child, and very upset mother that would have been, if a dishonest person had found that doll. I was able to teach her right from wrong. That even though we found it, we knew it was not ours, and that someone would be looking for it. I told her if this was your doll, and that happened to you. You would want someone to give it back to you. She said it made her happy, that it made the little girl happy and her mom. She said mommy the little girl was sick, and I think I made her feel better……Lol
I would love to surprise my 7 year old granddaughter with a doll, she has been wanting one of these dolls for a while now. She would be so happy to get one, thanks for the chance.
I would love Luciana for my fifth doll because it took EIGHTEEN years for them to finally showcase a STEM girl. I don’t just love the dress and accessories, her story is compelling as she struggles with anxiety, something real girls like me go through! I am currently battling through intense emotions and use my dolls as a way to cope with everything.
I hope American Girl continues to create STEM girls in the future.
I would surprise my best friend who wants to become an astrounaut with the Luciana doll. She is so sweet and loving even with her anxiety disorder. I think she could create imaginative play with her.
I would love to have the Willa doll to give to my daughter. She is 9yrs old is still loves dolls. My mother bought 2 AG dolls several years ago. One for my daughter and one for my niece. She gave my niece hers but never my daughter I thought it was odd but thought well maybe the next Christmas or birthday. We went over to my niece’s to help give her room a good cleanup. My daughter and I noticed that my niece had 2 AG dolls. One looked like my niece the other my daughter. My daughter even said “this one looks like me”. My niece told us that Grandma gave her both dolls. I questioned my mom and she said that since my daughter has Autism that she thought my daughter would not take care of something this expensive so she just gave both to my niece. This just broke my heart. This is not the first time one grand daughter has been chosen over the other. My daughter takes very good care of her things and loves to organize dolls and animals for tea parties. She would love any doll. Thank you for your consideration.
Was the winner’s name ever announced?