My small people have officially reached the age where saying you are excited to go back to school is no longer considered ‘cool’. It is now much more ‘in’ to wrinkle your nose in distaste, to roll your eyes, to screech in horror, or if you are MY CHILD and all of the aforementioned are unacceptable when speaking to another adult (and just might render you grounded the first few weeks of school) you struggle not to mumble, smile a little and say, ‘I can’t wait to see my friends’.
Now, I know this to be true, but the fear of being eaten by the never-before-seen, yet frequently mentioned, homework monster still has them on edge. Even now, two weeks in and we are still trying to get used to the whole process. Scratch that, I’M not trying to get used to it, THEY are.
I love it.
Sure, I may have had my teary-eyed moments as I felt that age jump that can only accompany the first day of school: one moment they are 1st and 3rd graders enjoying Summer and they next, they are brand-new 2nd and 4th graders. It is as though they aged 365 days in 24 hours. But even that wisdom can’t temper my enthusiasm.
I am excited. Here’s why:
The top 5 Best Things about Back to School (According to the resident adult)
Soooo…. agree or disagree? What have been the best moments, FOR YOU, about Back-to-school?
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