I don’t know about you, but I am READY FOR SPRING. In fact, I find myself begging Mother Nature every morning for a reprieve from the cold, the cool, the low temperatures, the tease of 65 degrees that devolves in to 45 in a mere 24 hours.
I have spent the past months doing my best to stay cheery despite the morbid cold. I haven’t always been successful, but I HAVE learned a few things about taking care of myself amidst the chilliness. And as I prep for Spring and fully prepare to leave Winter behind, I wanted to share a few tips for taking care of your hands as we will definitely feel the warmth eventually.
I’m almost positive.
I swear.
Here are some chilly-weather-heading-to-Spring hand care tips for you to focus on as the temperature works to stabilize in the 70’s. (She says…ever so full of hope).
As a recap…. the tips for caring for your cold weather hands are:
- Moisturize. Every single day. Multiple times. I’m not just talking about throwing a little lotion on when you hop out of the shower, but rather carry it with you and throw it on whenever you are thinking about it.
- Vaseline: I know this sounds extreme, but if your hands have been suffering with all of this nasty cold weather, they will thank you.
- Wear gloves: what? Who still needs to wear gloves in April? Well – those of us in the Midwest – especially if we find ourselves sitting outside on the sidelines of a soccer or softball game on a 32 degree morning. (Also – aren’t Michigan and Minnesota preparing for some RIDICULOUS amount of snow right now?)
- Take care: I know this sounds simple, but getting an occasional manicure or simply trimming your cuticles can keep the dryness from settling in.
- Coconut Oil: This has become my go-to for all things body-care. I use it almost every day and the pure velvet in coconut oil will keep you coming back.
- Drink water: Staying hydrated INTERNALLY can protect your skin EXTERNALLY. Not that surprising, but sometimes we forget, so drink up.
Thank you for watching. Any additional tips to add? I’d love to know.
I’ll be thinking Spring for you!
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