I woke this morning to a small voice, “MOMMY! Don’t forget…. your vote counts!”
If I have been doing anything this past month, it has been swimming in the waters of the political process and sharing every stroke with my small people. They know who is running for President of the United States, who will be the Vice President depending on who wins, who each of our State Senators and Congressmen are, as well as all major offices in the State of Missouri.
And even at six and eight, they are developing opinions. I would be lying if I didn’t tell you it makes me giddy.
You see, when I held up my right hand a mere three weeks ago and pledged allegiance to this beautiful country, I knew one of my most extraordinary rights would be the privilege to vote. I squeaked in, registering a mere five days before the deadline. But, as I’ve told you, I stood in a roomful of people, many of whom have never been allowed to stand on a street corner and express their political opinion, let alone cast a vote for the next leader of their country.
The 51 of us taking the Oath that day represented 25 countries – among us, Yemen, the Congo, China, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam and Bosnia-Herzegovina. All 51 of us walked from the room and stood in line immediately to register to vote. THAT is a treasure. It was an honor to virtually join hands with them today on this ‘first’ for me and to provide an example to my small people.
They have so much to look forward to. This was my experience.
I will confess to being baffled that I didn’t have to provide ID. It, in fact, does say on my voter registration card that ID will be required, but I was told in person that I didn’t need it. My husband didn’t need it either. Strange to me. I have to show ID to get in to the gym, to get on a plane and to pick my kids up from camp, but not to vote for President of the United States. I know this isn’t the case in every state. Michigan requires it, but allows you to sign an affidavit if you don’t have one with you. In Utah, and Arizona you do need to provide ID. Some voters need it in California.
All of this? Means you truly need to check the regulations in your state before you head to the polls. My small girl is right… your vote counts.
What has your experience been like today? I would love to know.
P.S. – if my video screenshot appears upside down? I have no explanation for it. It isn’t upside down on YouTube…. *sigh* technology…
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