My husband is gone for the next month. Training for a new job. He will get to come home July 3-5th, but other than that….the kids have only me.
Which isn’t so bad during the day.
But nighttime….well, that’s a different story. For 3 1/2 hours last night, Coop called out for his daddy.
“Daddy….where are you?”, “Daddy? You lay down with me?”, “Daddy???”
He’s only 2, so, daddy being ‘in New York’ only makes so much sense.
I lay down with him, I held him when he asked me to….I even brought him into bed with me…but he was so restless. He finally asked to go back to his bed because “I don yike u bed, Mommy.” At least he finally got some sleep.
As much as this literally hurt my heart…what would I do if Jeff was deployed for a year or more? How do those (incredibly strong) mommys manage? And worse….God forbid….what if something ever happened to Jeff? I don’t think I can even go there….it makes me sick to my stomach to even think about.
So…I suppose, despite the midnight heartbreak..we are lucky b/c we know he’s coming home.
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