My small girl has a cough. Again.
And it is brutal. She has no other symptoms. But the cough is non-stop. As I sit at my desk now on Monday morning, I fear she is struggling in her classroom, potentially disrupting her class. (That embarrasses her to no end, by the way) But she couldn’t stay home. There is no fever. There is no sore throat. There are no aches and pains.
Just this wretched, horrid cough. Experts will tell me it has nothing to do with the weather, but as the often-victim of this exact same cough, AND the mother of a sweet one who suffers from the same thing, I’m here to tell you this yo-yo business Mother Nature has going on? This ‘hey 81 degrees on a Monday and 32 by Wednesday stuff’ makes our immune systems a little crazy.
So last night, I had her try something new. And you better believe her performance was Oscar Worthy.
A spoonful of honey. That’s all I wanted her to take. Just ONE LITTLE spoonful of honey. Not Castor Oil. Not poison. It wasn’t even honey-flavored-medicine, but actual honey. And you would have thought it was spiked with nails.
For 15 minutes she talked to herself.
“Delaney, you can do it. No, you can’t. Stupid little bear. NO! Stupid COUGH! Ohhhh COME ON…. I can DO THIS. It is JUST honey. Ok, let’s GO! Nooooo!!!”
I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry.
She did eventually choke it down. Poor thing did gag. But even with the honey and additional medicine, she was still up coughing much of the night.
It feels as though we have tried everything…. medicines, Vicks on her feet, steam showers, humidifiers, lozenges…
If you have an alternative? I’m open.
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