I have discovered that the Mommy in me is truly in love with a few things….
1) I am addicted to hand-holding…especially the teeny-tiny hands that slip into mine, finding comfort a bit like a pearl is nestled right into a clam….though, I have to admit, when my husband reached for my hand in his sleep last night, I smiled.
2) The sound of my children singing. I can’t sing. In fact, I’m so bad, that I am CONFIDENT I was a rock star in my former life as a means for balancing out my complete lack of talent. I love to hear their sweet voices, especially as they are learning to appreciate tunes beyond ABC and the Itsy Bitsy Spider
3) Eavsdropping is the best. You know….when you send your kids to their rooms for fighting and you quietly creep up the stairs 15 minutes later, only to hear your daughter trying to read your son a story…..or better yet….using their imaginations
4) My hugging and kissing powers…I can cure just about anything with a hug and kiss….scrapes, hurt feelings, embarrasment.
5) Being Silly. I used to feel, well, silly, when I laughed really loud, danced in a circle or, in any way celebrated any of the emotions that come naturally to children….but now, I can’t get enough of it.
6) Quiet. I used to NEED noise and interaction….whether it was music or chatting, but now, there is something so calming about driving the car in silence or sitting peacefully for a few minutes before the chaos begins (or after it has ended)
7) The connection between moms. It is like being a part of an exclusive sorority….but one that loves to share the best ideas, suggestions and fun
8) Baby sleep. Is there anything better than seeing your child in such peace? I’ve had to give up a bit of my ritual (which was to go in and touch both Coop and Delaney while they slept) b/c my love was rousing them…..which meant less sleep for everyone. But still, I could stare at them for hours. I get to watch the sassy slip from Delaney’s lips as she falls deeper and deeper into dreamland. And I can hardly imagine that the blond two year old giving me a daily run for my money could possibly be quite so cuddly.
9) Family. There is such a beauty in watching your own family evolve. The rituals. The traditions. The inside jokes and words that spark laughter, but only from those truly ‘in the know’ – your family.
I’m sure there are more..but these are the moments I have focused on and truly cherished for the past few days! Happy Monday.
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