So, I’ve been asking moms I meet (or already know) to finish this sentence….”Parenting is…..” Here is a beautiful, amazing, surprising sample of the feelings shared with me.
Parenting is…..
“love, survival, pure joy”
“the hardest thing I have ever done”
“satisfying, challenging, one-of-a-kind”
“hard, trying, rewarding, perplexing, fun”
“full of drama, a sitcom, a little bit of everything”
“crazy, being able to roll with the punches, something I am grateful for every day”
“comical, overwhelming, exhausting”
“sweet, special, unlike anything I have ever experienced”
“magical, permanent, fulfilling”
“like God placing His trust in me”
Please note no one said, “piece of cake”. Whether we are having an especially trying day, or we have glimpsed the wonder of light in our children, it seems that gratitude is always there….but, I believe it is healthy for us as parents to acknowledge the ups and downs, the terrific and the terrible. We will likely all experience each of the above mentioned emotions at one time or another.
I’d love for gratitude and joy to be the only emotions I experience, but since I haven’t been able to master that, I take comfort in knowing I’m not alone!
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