If you know anything at all about me, you know I am NOT a cold weather girl. Blame it on my California blood, or call me a wimp. I don’t care. I’m just NOT A FAN.
Yes, I can see the beauty in a snow fall….sure, I can see the diamond sparkle on the snow when it is untouched, and yes, I think it is very pretty – beautiful even. But note – I can see the beauty when I am INSIDE….not when I am driving in it, coating up for it, or trying to keep snow out of Coop’s mittens and pants.
Our first snow day on Tuesday was dreary and the snow didn’t even entirely cover the grass, but, by yesterday morning, we had the good stuff. How can you have your kiddos look at 8 full, fluffy inches of the cold stuff and NOT let them outside to play. (Trust me, I tried to come up with a reason: Coop has a runny nose – dare I make it worse? Coop is potty training – what if he has to go to the bathroom? etc. etc.) But the Mommy in me sucked it up and spent a full 45 minutes getting everyone bundled up – 2 layers everywhere + boots, scarves, hats, coats and mittens. I’m not exaggerating.
And out we went. First on the agenda: we shoveled the driveway. This is what it looks like when a California girl shovels with help from a two and four year old : no method to the madness!
We then attempted to go sledding down our back hill – but our sleds are suspect. Too heavy. Delaney couldn’t slide and my pushing didn’t budge her…and of course, Coop tipped over.
Snow in his mittens, snow on his eyebrows, snow on his lips….little guy went quickly downhill.
Combine the snow-in-places you don’t want it with a runny nose and some tears and you have a first class toddler meltdown. I’m positive my parents heard him crying in California. Of course, Delaney has no intention of going in. What about the snowman? And the snow angels? So, like any responsible mother, I bribed the crying snotty nosed one with candy to get him to sit in the garage for a few minutes so we could quickly concoct a snowman and such. Oh…and the snow wasn’t sticking….hence the little guy.
And we did turbo blast through our angels.
In case you are wondering, the angel on the left is mine, not Cooper’s.
And yes, Delaney’s hat did fall off, and no, because, we were in such a hurry, I didn’t make her put it back on.
The second we were done, we booked inside….Coop crying and asking for ‘girlled cheese’ the whole time. And a good time was had by all.
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