Wikpedia says, “A colloquialism describing a stage in the developmental lines of a toddler ” (or a future punk rock band from Detroit)
Pardon me while I snort with laughter….if only it was that benign.
I have a few alternate definitions: (terrible 2’s can be used as a noun, an adjective or a verb)
1) How best to make mommy’s head explode
2) A remarkable stage of development during which your child (sometimes 1 1/2, 2 or nearing 3) will often tantrum and frequently pretend your voice no longer registers for anyone other than the neighborhood dogs
3) The time you are most likely to be heard calling your child “Sybil” in public
4) The toddler act of displaying any and every behavior you were confident existed only in ‘those other children’.
5) The period exisiting right in between the beautiful stage of ‘firsts’: walking, talking, running, giggling and the moment when mom and dad look at each other in wonderment: “Do the terrible 3’s exist?”
A friend once told me, when your ‘terrible twoish’ child acts their age….pretend they are drunk. It might just make you giggle.
They certainly act like drunks: they stumble (alot), they cry (easily), they DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT (ie: “Mommy, have p butta fo wunch”…but, once you had made said Peanut Butter sandwich…the tides have changed. “No wan p butta…yuck…no like p butta!” often accompanied by a quick toss of said sandwhich you have just made.) “Fine, Sybil…just let me know when you make up your mind.” (PS…it is at this point when your older child pipes up and says, “His name isn’t Sybil, Mommy. He’s Cooper.”) Great…two for the price of one..I don’t even get to make side jokes to myself without commentary.
It is much like having the most demanding boss in the whole world….and surprise! you never get to go home. Your mean boss wakes you up in the morning with a deviant gleam in their eyes…..just counting (if in fact counting was truly plausible) the ways to make your day difficult. Whining, tantruming, irrational hitting, never sharing and refusing to eat all come to mind.
You little boss has lots of plans for you today…and every single one of them revolves the world revolving strictly around them. Hope you don’t have any thing else you would like to do.
I reached my terrible two limit today.
Don’t let the face fool you….this is Coop’s mandatory ‘keep your %$**!!* hands to yourself’ pose. It is now a phrase I say multiple times throughout the day.
Wait, I think I hear Coop calling me…..nevermind, he said he doesn’t want me…oops, yes he does.
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