“Walk Away”….two beautiful words one mom uses to encourage her toddler to make a good decision.
This is tremendous in my mind…since I’m certain I have been bitten (and hard) by the ‘No’ bug lately. “No hitting, no standing on the couch, no throwing toys, no climbing on the dining room table, no stealing toys from your little brother!”
Clearly I have spent a little too much time cooped up inside with my kids! Tragically, “no” is the first word coming to mind…and therefore it is out of my mouth before I know it.
At least it was until I learned to “walk away”. I love this phrase because there is no yelling involved. I love it because it teaches my children to make their own decisions. I love it because it doesn’t sound obnoxious when it is repeated by my 1 1/2 year old. I love it because it rolls off my toungue peacefully..no aggression involved.
Thank you friend, for breaking what has felt like a ‘bad-mommy’ cycle. Thank you for encouraging me to walk away.
So…now, you can walk away. And you are reminded that your best parenting resource is likely a phone call or playdate away. I will continue to seek the advice of wise, extraordinary mommys I talk to every day!
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